Most small businesses do not understand what finance should be giving them. It’s that lack of understanding that paints a negative image in their mind of a necessary evil – they know they have to invoice the customer, pay vendors and get information to their CPA or accountant, but they see no value in spending time on these types of tasks.
The finance department should be giving information to the business to helps them operate better. It’s that deeper understanding and forward-thinking, proactive approach that provides real value … giving small businesses insight into what drives their business and helping them understand their financial position at any time.
In this video, Bill Klein, President of Consero Global, offers these views, and more, on finance and back office administration.
“Get them thinking clearly, approach finance with a purpose, and you’ll see positive, powerful results,” he says. “It’s simple; finance and accounting should drive growth and profitability for the business.”
Click the following link to learn more about our finance and administration solutions.