How CFOs enable growth through technology

Updated: February 11, 2021

In almost every industry, the role of the finance department has changed dramatically over just the last few years. Now there is greater pressure on CFOs to make bold moves and embrace disruptive new technology. In most cases, finance executives are acutely aware of these changing tides – the problem facing many finance leaders in this time of transition is knowing which way to steer their business.

Corporate accounting and financial management are not the only business functions to undergo fundamental changes thanks to new technology. In fact, few businesses can say they haven’t been impacted by the proliferation of automation capabilities, analytics accessible to nonexperts, and a general blending of business lines and marketing channels once considered distinct. 

An Ernst and Young survey showed technology and globalization are shaking up business operation on a foundational level.
An Ernst and Young survey showed technology and globalization are shaking up business operation on a foundational level.

New finance tech: Risk factor or change agent?

A survey of CFOs conducted by Ernst and Young pointed out that technology and globalization have totally disrupted the way businesses operate on a foundational level. This has been known for some time – the issue facing CFOs now is how to respond to these shifts and update processes as the rate of change continues to accelerate.

“CFOs must embrace their new role as IT influencers in their organization.”

To enable growth in turbulent times, it’s essential for finance departments to leverage the right technology for their organization and use it to catapult the business forward in every way possible. As explained by Pete Shimer, CFO of Deloitte, modern finance executives must embrace a new role as IT innovators, working closely with the Chief Information Officer and digital experts internally to drive the company toward cross-departmental innovation.

“It’s always been important for the C-suite to work together, particularly finance and technology, but that’s the case even more so today given the elevated interdependencies between finance and technology and the need to align IT spend to strategy,” Shimer said. “The CFO and the CIO need to be in lockstep to make sure that technology spending supports leadership’s priorities.”

Adopting a common financial framework

While this sounds like a good strategy at a surface level, Shimer acknowledged that it can also lead to confusion and excessive spending. To make targeted investments in finance technology that will support growth, he stressed the importance of establishing a common framework between departments. This framework should be built from a core set of financial metrics that CFOs can easily understand and build actionable strategy upon.

The natural conclusion is that CFOs won’t get the chance to drive their organization toward growth without a method to collect the right financial data, quickly analyze it and derive practical insights from it. Consero’s financial and IT innovations provide a framework to support these efforts. From a single intuitive platform, Consero helps CFOs and other stakeholders with the right information to make reporting and strategic thinking easier. The result is more room for CFOs and their teams to build on past success, as well as gain a firmer understanding of how to keep integrating new technology into their workflow.

Tech disruption is a fact of life for modern CFOs, but it should not be the kiss of death, too. Reach out to Consero for more advice on how to make disruption work for your business.

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Finance as a Service

Cutting edge technology, processes, and people in a fully-managed solution to deliver precise financial visibility and improved operational scalability, plus a lower and more predictable cost structure. 

Flex Finance

Keep your existing technology and processes. We can manage the back-office F&A function from end-to-end process, including closing the books. When you need skilled talent, we can supplement your F&A team.

Advisory Services

Expert advice and strategies to help you grow.

• CFO Advisory Services
• FP&A and Reporting
• Technical Accounting & Clean-Up

Consero FaaS: Disrupting the Outdated Traditional F&A Model

  • Cash to GAAP conversion
  • Clean-up work
  • Interim oversight & support
  • Accounting software Implementation

Build it Yourself Solution

  • CFO / Interim CFO
  • Consultants / VARs

Consero FaaS Solution

  • CFO / Interim CFO
  • or Consero Interim CFO
  • Consero Setup/Transformation
Ongoing F&A
  • Monthly financials
  • Daily accounting support
  • Management reporting
  • Integrate add-on acquisitions

Build it Yourself Solution

  • CFO
  • Controllers & Accounting Team
  • Enterprise Accounting Applications

Consero FaaS Solution

  • CFO
  • or Consero Fractional CFO
  • Consero FaaS Enterprise F&A Software and Services

New PE Platform Investment F&A Challenges

Founder Owned Company Accounting:
  • Existing accounting done on a cash/hybrid basis
  • Run on SMB accounting software and other disparate applications
  • Inability to produce auditable financials
  • Lack of know-how to develop projections & KPIs
  • No consistency/structure to customer contracts
  • Underqualified staff
  • Non-scalable manual processes
Carve-Out Accounting:
  • Required to move off parent company accounting applications in a timely fashion
  • Have to build an entire F&A team
  • No documented operational policies and procedures
To Optimized Finance & Accounting:
  • Monthly financials available in 5-10 business days
  • Audit and diligence ready support details
  • Integrated enterprise grade accounting software
  • Budget and forecast reporting
  • Business KPIs
  • Efficient & scalable processes for rolling in add-ons